Какие идеи брать за голландию eu4
Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 1.25.
Found the Amsterdam Wisselbank
+0.10 Yearly inflation reduction
Dutch Trading Spirit
+1 Merchant +10% Trade range
−10% Development cost
Instructie voor de Admiraliteiten
+2 Naval leader fire +5% Marines force limit
Embrace Humanism
+3 Tolerance of heretics
Army Sappers
+10% Siege ability
Platoon Fire
+10% Land fire damage
+15% Trade efficiency
For the area, see Netherlands (area).The Netherlands is a formable nation in Europe, which can be formed by Burgundy or countries with a Dutch or Flemish culture. The formation decision however, requires only Dutch provinces and not Flemish ones. The Dutch are a formidable trading power, reflected in their national ideas, and can dominate trade with effective usage. Though usually and historically a small nation, the Netherlands can rake in hundreds of ducats from colonization and trade to effectively become the dominant European powerhouse with careful management. However, their size does mean a small manpower and force limit to draw from, which though early on can be a high hurdle to overcome, the Netherlands can often overcome this late game with liberal usage of mercenaries from their large trade empire. Historically, the Netherlands became fully independent from Habsburg Spain in 1581.
Какие идеи брать за голландию eu4
Europa Universalis 4 / Европа Универсалис 4
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1За Голандию.2 В решениях написано .
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Голландия. Просим помощи у Франции и Дании, начинаешь войну. Отжимаешь провку (для Нидерландов). А дальше ешь соседей
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Какие идеи брать за голландию eu4
Europa Universalis 4 / Европа Универсалис 4
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Исследования, экспансия, религия, количество, торговля, потом религия и исследования удаляются нафиг и вместо них административные и морские. Качественные ещё куданибуль всунуть. Я бы сделал что-то такое
National missions
Conquest in the Lowlands
This country owns all of the following provinces:
This country is not Catholic or has the Counter reformation modifier
Defend our country
Mission | Completion requirements | Effects | Prerequisites |
Assert Our Sovereignty | The country is not a subject nation |
The country owns at least 4 provinces
Else, if Castile exists:
Else, if Aragon exists:
Else, total navy size at least 100% naval forcelimit.
+10% ship durability +10% naval morale
The country gains 15% navy tradition
The country owns at least 4 provinces
Improve our trade
Unite the Low Countries
Sea power
Overseas expansion
The country gets "Unknown Frontier" for 15 years, giving the following effects:
The country gets "Colonial Mastery" for 15 years, giving the following effects:
The country gets the country flag ned_nova_hollandia_flag
The country gets “Dutch Maritime Islands” for 15 years, giving the following effects:
All provinces in Taiwan area gain:
Statists missions
Else, owns at least 5 province in Low Countries with workshop or counting house
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 10% towards Statists
Else, gains 10 Republican tradition
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 15% towards Statists
Else, if the government is a Republic:
Else, gains 100 administrative power
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 15% towards Statists
Else, gains 15 Republican tradition
Else, gains a permanent claim on all provinces in the following areas:
- Home Counties
- East Anglia
- East Midlands
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 20% towards Statists
Else, gains 20 Republican tradition
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 20% towards Statists
Else, gains 20 Republican tradition
Orangists missions
Else, the country has at least 50 army tradition
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 10% towards Orangists
Else, gains 10 legitimacy
Else, if the government is a monarchy:
Else, gains 100 Administrative power
Then, gains 20 absolutism
Else, gains 200 Administrative power
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 15% towards Orangists
Else, gains 15 legitimacy
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 20% towards Orangists
Else, if the government is a monarchy:
Else, if the government is a republic:
Else, has at least 1000 total development
If the country has "Dutch Republic" or "States General" governmental reform:
- Move 20% towards Orangists
Else, gains 20 legitimacy
The country gets "Je Maintiendrai" for 25 years, giving the following effects:
Dutch Republic
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.25.The Netherlands has its own special form of republican government it can choose through an event exclusive to them that reflects the historical government of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces. It represents the power struggle between the Orangist monarchists and the Statist republicans through measure of influence each faction has over the current government. With the Orangists in power, the Republic acts more akin to a monarchy with the ruler reigning for life. However, if the Statists are in power, the government takes on the traits of a regular republic with elections taking place every 4 years. Unlike other republics, royal marriages are allowed.
With the Dharma expansion, other monarchies can gain this mechanic by enacting the tier 5 government reform States General, though Orangists are then called Monarchists.
The Dutch republic provides:
+10% Trade efficiency +10% Heavy ship combat ability +50 Governing capacity −30 Maximum absolutism
Additionally, different modifiers apply to the nation when each faction is in power:
The faction in power is determined by a single influence slider ranging from -100 to +100, with Statists being in power when value is negative or zero, and Orangists being in power when value is strictly positive. Regular events will move the Netherlands on this slider depending on the player's choices.
The Dutch republic has a unique election mechanic. At the end of either the current ruler's term or life, the player will be presented with two candidates in an event, one Orangist and one Statist. Choosing either one will move the influence slider by 33 points in the direction of its faction, and thus will factor into which faction is in power. Unlike regular republics, the stats of both candidates are chosen at random, but the player can still see them prior to picking its candidate. One should note that choosing a candidate from either side does not necessarily bring its faction to power if the slider is too unbalanced: a Statist candidate may reign until he dies if Orangists are in power.
Election in the [Root.GovernmentName]
The description below is one of several available for this event.The strengthening of the Statists has forced $MONARCH$ to accept the election of a new [Root.Monarch.GetTitle]. Both the Statists and the Orangists have put forward a new candidate.
the end of the election cycle in a republic.
Option conditions A Statist Candidate- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Statists in power by 33.
- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Statists in power by 33.
The Girondists faction gains 20 influence.
A Jacobin candidate.- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Statists in power by 33.
The Jacobins faction gains 20 influence.
An Orangist Candidate- gets a new ruler of the “van Oranje” dynasty.
- strengthen Orangists in power by 33.
If has "The Feuillant System" reform and is France :
- The country:
- gets a new ruler of the "Bonaparte" dynasty.
- strengthen Monarchists in power by 33.
- The country:
- gets a new ruler of the former dynasty.
- strengthen Orangists in power by 33.
If has "The Feuillant System" reform:
A Militarist candidate.- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Statists in power by 33.
- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Orangists in power by 33.
Election in the [Root.GovernmentName]
The description below is one of several available for this event.
The unfortunate passing of $MONARCH$ forces us to hold a premature election. Both the Statists and the Orangists have put forward a new candidate.
the death of the ruler in a republic.
Option conditions A Statist Candidate- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Statists in power by 33.
- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Statists in power by 33.
The Girondists faction gains 20 influence.
A Jacobin candidate.- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Statists in power by 33.
The Jacobins faction gains 20 influence.
An Orangist Candidate- gets a new ruler of the “van Oranje” dynasty.
- strengthen Orangists in power by 33.
If has "The Feuillant System" reform and is France :
- The country:
- gets a new ruler of the "Bonaparte" dynasty.
- strengthen Monarchists in power by 33.
- The country:
- gets a new ruler of the former dynasty.
- strengthen Orangists in power by 33.
If has "The Feuillant System" reform:
A Militarist candidate.- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Statists in power by 33.
- gets a new ruler.
- strengthen Orangists in power by 33.
Unlike regular republics, it is not possible to re-elect the same ruler, but republican tradition is lost monthly when Orangists are in power. It is also not possible to decay into a republican dictatorship at low republican tradition, since Orangists already represent the tendency towards despotism.
С самого начала необходимо избавиться от личной унии с Бургундией. Для этого понадобятся Франция с Австрией, также может помочь и Англия (зависит от отношения — положительного или отрицательного). Сразу после того, как страна заручится поддержкой, необходимо усилить армию и флот, после чего объявить войну Бургундии. В этой войне лучше не лезть в битвы, а стараться прятаться, выходя лишь когда союзники атакуют небольшие бургундские отряды. При заключении мира, помимо предоставления независимости, желательно потребовать необходимую для создания нидерландской нации провинцию Брабанта, а именно Breda, к тому же следует потребовать предоставление независимости Фландрии, дабы потом их без проблем аннексировать.
После заключения такого сепаратного мира один из союзников разорвёт союз. Необходимо будет искать помощи среди небольших соседей, но ни в коем случае это не должны быть Утрехт, Гёльдерн и Фрисландия, потому что главной целью стоит сформировать Нидерланды, а у вышеперечисленных государств имеются необходимые провинции. Теперь остаётся лишь искать союзников, атаковать и присоединять самую слабую жертву, собирая нужные земли для создания Нидерландов.
Необходимые провинции легко завоёвываются ещё до достижения десятых административных технологий. Также стоит забрать Antwerpen у Фландрии, ведь провинция обладает большим торговым влиянием. К тому же не стоит забывать, что Франция или Австрия ( а иногда и вместе) враждебно относятся к Бургундии, потому стоит всегда иметь претензии на территории их младших униатов либо на самую Бургундию, так как будучи помощником в войне, под контроль Голландии могут отойти некоторые земли.
До того как сформировать Нидерланды, не помешало бы захватить побольше провинций внутри СРИ, потому что после формирования Нидерландов страна автоматически покинет Империю, но также есть вариант с получением императорского титула и при выборе голландской республики с кандидатом от оранжистов. В этом случае появится правитель, который проживет не один десяток лет, в которые можно успешно занести несколько завоевательных войн.
С идеями всё куда сложнее. Необходимые идеи: Морские и Торговые. Сильный флот и большой доход от торговли — главная сила голландцев. Но всё же не стоит с ними торопиться, потому что можно рискнуть и взять исследовательские. В этом случае делается упор на получение первых трёх идей из ветки, далее следует довести дипломатические технологии до 7 уровня и нанять советника на повышение колониальной дистанции. В таком случае можно будет колонизировать лишь одну провинцию, а именно на западе Африки, между Марокко и Мали. Главное, чтобы она не была занята. В дальнейшем Голландии откроются большие возможности по колонизации Африки и Южной Америки с Карибами. Если всё прошло как по маслу, то следующими следует взять Экспансионные идеи, что позволит наращивать влияние в колониальных регионах ещё быстрее.
The below is one of many player suggested strategies for Holland. Bear in mind, due to the dynamic nature of the game, it may unfold differently for other players.As Holland starts the game inside the HRE, they will not have to fight the emperor when fighting inside the empire. Forming the Netherlands will result in all owned provinces and the nation itself being removed from the HRE. Expanding inside the HRE will then become considerably harder as the emperor will be called into each war, and Holland won't be under the protection of the emperor anymore. Outside of the HRE expansion will be just as tough, as the Low Countries are surrounded by strong nations competing for land and trade income. The Forming the Netherlands should be taken as soon as possible, as the Netherlands have access to a strong government form and country specific events, but the player has to decide between forming the Netherlands and possible expansion within the HRE.
Breaking free from Burgundy
Holland starts in a Personal Union under Burgundy, which restricts them from making allies and declaring wars. Strong nations such as France and Austria tend to rival Burgundy from the start of the game, so Holland can reliably ask for support of their independence. The choice now is to either declare an independence war and take some provinces (do not forget to fabricate claims) from Burgundy and its other remaining vassals or wait until Burgundy releases Holland voluntarily. Taking the rich Lowlands provinces early can give a powerful boon to Holland, as both the raw income from the high development province and the added trade power in one of the richest trade nodes can propel it to a regional power within the HRE. Especially Antwerp is a very interesting target because of its trade center status, and Breda is interesting because it is needed for forming the Netherlands. Make sure to not gain too much aggressive expansion penalty, as an early coalition war may prove disastrous. Seeking independence should be the number one priority, as no territorial expansion can be achieved and an early Burgundian Inheritance would very likely result in either France or Austria annexing the Low Countries, severely slowing down the possible rate of expansion. When the independence war is over the player will be allied to all countries that fought on their side. If Burgundy voluntarily releases Holland, no alliances will be formed. At this moment, the player should make sure that the allies are not at odds with each other, as conflict between them will not turn out favorably for the now more vulnerable Holland. Alliances should be reconsidered, formed and maintained with closer nations with comparable power, as they will be more likely to join in wars.
Early expansion
The early expansion opportunities will most likely be eastwards inside the HRE, as England, Burgundy and France will be too strong to take on early. Look for opportunities to unite the provinces in the Low Countries (e.g. when Burgundy is weak) as they are needed for forming the Netherlands and the added trade income is very useful. Key for maintaining a steady rate of expansion is good management of aggressive expansion, especially inside the HRE where aggressive expansion penalties are higher. A coalition war will almost always result in major setbacks or even game over. Having good relations with neighbors and not taking too much land in a single war will keep the aggressive expansion penalty manageable. Taking administrative ideas as a first group will be a nice addition because of the high coring cost in the Low Countries and HRE, and the cheaper mercenaries are always useful for small countries with low manpower pools.
Because of their naval and trade oriented national ideas, Holland is an optimal candidate for a colonial strategy. Their position in Europe will mean that they will reach the New World later (around diplomatic technology level 9) than Portugal and Castile, so taking an idea group other than exploration will prove more useful early on. Focusing on taking provinces with special modifiers (e.g. estuaries, centers of trade) first will secure funds for further colonization. Because of the English Channel being an end node, all trade flowing into it can be collected by the Netherlands. Combining this with the Dutch trade bonuses, the English Channel will quickly become the richest trade node and make Holland very wealthy.
Later in the game the player can try establishing colonies in Asia. The spice islands in Indonesia are a good choice as they have great development and produce valuable goods. Make sure that the trade will actually reach the English Channel, as any countries along the trade path may steal valuable profit.
Forming the Netherlands
As stated before, the Forming the Netherlands should be taken as soon as possible, as forming the Netherlands will come with major benefits but hamper expansion inside the HRE. When the country is strong enough to take a stand against larger neighbors (or having strong enough allies), the decision should be taken. Alternatively, becoming an elector and taking the decision will prevent leaving the HRE, but it may prove difficult.
Trade hegemony
The Netherlands are in a favorable position to dominate trade. A good strategy is to build as many light ships as possible and protecting trade in nearby nodes such as the English Channel and in Lübeck, and generally any nodes that may feed into the home node. Trade ideas can be taken to amplify the already massive trade profits. Challenging Castile/Spain, Portugal and England, who will be the biggest competitors in both the colonial and trade area, should be the primary focuses. Maintaining a large fleet with heavy ships is key to being able to maintain trade profits.
Keep friends close, and enemies even closer
France makes an excellent ally both early and later in the game, but it is important to watch as the game progresses and as the great powers struggle for supremacy. France is also a competitor in the English Channel trade node and is very likely to go colonial, making them an even greater target. If France finds itself overwhelmed with enemies it may be best to find another power as an ally at this point. Take good notice of France's situation, and be prepared to take advantage when the situation arrives to do so.
Generally speaking, the player should seek alliances with strong nations not competing in the same trade nodes or the same land but willing to go to war with nations that are.
Создание Нидерландов (Герле, Фрисландия, Утрехт, Голландия)
- Ответы 437
- Создано 15.01.2014, 10:59:16
- Последний ответ 30.03.2021, 08:30:57
- Просмотры 94492
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КОРОТКИЙГАЙД!!1 Со старта воюйте за независимость говорили они. Это очень просто говорили они. Ага, очень просто развалить бургов в пользу Австрии или Кастилии. Оно нам надо?! Далее привожу приме
@Wojt Опять же у меня, герцог Бургундии отказывался помирать, Бургундия в союзе с Англией, Франция в союзе с Кастилией, а где то между 1500-20 годом остатки бургов вообще вошли в СРИ.
Ну если вкратце: - нет регентства, стабильный генерал-правитель, при смерти которого не падает стабильность - вечные 100 республиканских традиций (нет ивентов и вообще ничего на понижение) -> все
Я бы Нидерланды делал из Голандии (территория СРИ значит мы князь -СРИ), имеем провинцию с торговым модификатором: просим независимости у Франции и Австрии - по итогом войны получаем независимость, те
Да. Есть список особо популярных вопросов, которые регулярно задаются то здесь, то там. И (несмотря на наличие шапок и специальных/отдельных трэдов) они задаются снова и снова. Это нельзя объяснит
Речь про ачивку за создание Нидерландов,ее можно получить только начав за страну у которой со старта голландская культура основная, это Голландия, Утрех, Фрисландия и Гельдерен.
По моему, с 7 диплотеха и с советником начинают дотягиваться. Так что второй веткой вполне можно.
Обычно второй всегда брал, удается без проблем забить карибы, чаще всего мыс доброй надежды первому взять, ну а дальше куда угодно колонить можно
Какие идеи брать за голландию eu4
15 фев. 2020 в 10:49 Best ideas for Netherlands I picked up europa universalis just a couple days ago and want to do a campaign as the Netherlands as my first serious game. I am planning to play tall, once I have all the low lands regions I am mostly going to focus on becoming a trade and colonial power. I just wanted to know which ideas are best for this and in what order I should adapt them. Some general advice would be nice as well. 15 фев. 2020 в 12:04Are you starting as Holland?
Normally I hate Espionage but it may be an option as Holland for a first pick because AE is so high in the HRE. My last game as Holland I quit after a coaltion grew when an ally gave me too many provinces in a peace deal.
15 фев. 2020 в 12:14Are you starting as Holland?
Normally I hate Espionage but it may be an option as Holland for a first pick because AE is so high in the HRE. My last game as Holland I quit after a coaltion grew when an ally gave me too many provinces in a peace deal.
Yeah I'm planning to do the 1444 start date as Holland try to get austria france and england to support my independence and conquer the rest of low lands from there. I messed around in the 80 years war start date for a bit but my war against Spain was a bit anti-climatic. After that I grew kinda bored of it so I decided to do start in 1444 in my next run. 15 фев. 2020 в 14:51So Espionage is an option for the -20 AE because you will always be waiting on AE to die down.
Religious or Humanism second, Exploration third, Offensive fourth.
If you wanted to be aggressive in the trade company, colonisation game you could take Exploration and Diplomatic as your first two ideas. This would enable you to declare a no CB war against someone in Africa to gain a foothold. Taking diplomatic would lessen the impact of the no CB war.
Отредактировано Damedius; 15 фев. 2020 в 14:51 15 фев. 2020 в 15:13So Espionage is an option for the -20 AE because you will always be waiting on AE to die down.
Religious or Humanism second, Exploration third, Offensive fourth.
If you wanted to be aggressive in the trade company, colonisation game you could take Exploration and Diplomatic as your first two ideas. This would enable you to declare a no CB war against someone in Africa to gain a foothold. Taking diplomatic would lessen the impact of the no CB war.
Okay thanks for the advice. Just wondering why no trade idea? It would make sense if you`re going to want to become a trade power. 15 фев. 2020 в 15:16 Oh and the only DLC I have is common sense and art of war just so you know. 15 фев. 2020 в 15:21 Oh and the only DLC I have is common sense and art of war just so you know.Oh. I think you need Dharma or Wealth of Nations to make trade companies.
My logic behind not taking trade ideas early is that you get some trade from your national ideas and you get a merchant for every colonial nation with 10 provinces. Plus a merchant for every trade company that has 50% or more trade power in that node.
I usually only take trade ideas when I'm not colonising and using trade companies.
Отредактировано Damedius; 15 фев. 2020 в 15:22 15 фев. 2020 в 15:30 Oh and the only DLC I have is common sense and art of war just so you know.Oh. I think you need Dharma or Wealth of Nations to make trade companies.
My logic behind not taking trade ideas early is that you get some trade from your national ideas and you get a merchant for every colonial nation with 10 provinces. Plus a merchant for every trade company that has 50% or more trade power in that node.
I usually only take trade ideas when I'm not colonising and using trade companies. Yeah and I just found out that you need a DLC I dont have to get the support independence feature so this is going to be a lot harder then expected.
15 фев. 2020 в 15:33Do NOT take Espionage!
The ae reduction is not needed if you know how to play in the HRE. It should be widely known by now, that you rarely annex land in the HRE but rather vassalize HRE nations.
As Holland you want to start with Humanist. That will deal with the Reformation later, gives you a whopping 10% idea cost reduction and a massive 30% improved relation, which is basically the same as ae reduction. But whereas ae reduction reduces incoming ae of a peace deal, improved relations increases the rate of the ae decrease after the peace deal. You know, when a nation already has ae and next to it is a small green number showing you how much the ae will decrease in a year. Its possible to get this number up to 5.0, which means that 50 ae are gone in 10 years.
After Humanist, you go for Influence or Diplomatic for your vassal game and a better chance to become emperor for faster conquering of HRE nations. I would go for Diplomatic, because of more Improved Relations and Warscore cost.
Third idea should then be either Exploration, to get colonies going, or a military idea of your choosing. I would go with Exploration, you want to be as competitive as you can be in the coloizing game. Spain and Portugal will most likely beat you to South and Central America, but you can compete with England and France for North America.
Main article: Dutch missions
Holland's missions are focused on colonization and conflict with Portugal and Spain .
Main article: Dutch missions
The Netherlands' missions are focused on colonization and conflict with Portugal .
Main article: Dutch events
Dutch events are focused on famous historic individuals, the Verenigde oostindische Companie (United East India Company), the Dutch republic government type, and historic events with England and France .
Dutch Revolt
Main article: Dutch Revolt
Historically, the seven provinces of the Low Countries revolted for their independence from Habsburg Spain in 1568 and formed the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. This is portrayed in EU4 as a disaster between the Protestant Reformation and 1650.
Создание Нидерландов (Герле, Фрисландия, Утрехт, Голландия)
- Ответы 437
- Создано 15.01.2014, 10:59:16
- Последний ответ 30.03.2021, 08:30:57
- Просмотры 94492
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КОРОТКИЙГАЙД!!1 Со старта воюйте за независимость говорили они. Это очень просто говорили они. Ага, очень просто развалить бургов в пользу Австрии или Кастилии. Оно нам надо?! Далее привожу приме
@Wojt Опять же у меня, герцог Бургундии отказывался помирать, Бургундия в союзе с Англией, Франция в союзе с Кастилией, а где то между 1500-20 годом остатки бургов вообще вошли в СРИ.
Ну если вкратце: - нет регентства, стабильный генерал-правитель, при смерти которого не падает стабильность - вечные 100 республиканских традиций (нет ивентов и вообще ничего на понижение) -> все
Я бы Нидерланды делал из Голандии (территория СРИ значит мы князь -СРИ), имеем провинцию с торговым модификатором: просим независимости у Франции и Австрии - по итогом войны получаем независимость, те
Да. Есть список особо популярных вопросов, которые регулярно задаются то здесь, то там. И (несмотря на наличие шапок и специальных/отдельных трэдов) они задаются снова и снова. Это нельзя объяснит
Речь про ачивку за создание Нидерландов,ее можно получить только начав за страну у которой со старта голландская культура основная, это Голландия, Утрех, Фрисландия и Гельдерен.
По моему, с 7 диплотеха и с советником начинают дотягиваться. Так что второй веткой вполне можно.
Обычно второй всегда брал, удается без проблем забить карибы, чаще всего мыс доброй надежды первому взять, ну а дальше куда угодно колонить можно
Forming the Netherlands as a member of the Holy Roman Empire will cause it to leave the empire, unless it is an elector or the Emperor. Forming as Burgundy will additionally cede French land to France, if it exists.
Form Dutch Nation
The Dutch are emerging as one of Europe's most capable naval and colonial powers. Lucrative trade opportunities, locally and overseas, have resulted in a swift evolution for the country into one of the first capitalist countries in the world.If the country is AI-controlled then:
Provinces in orange must be owned and cored to form the Netherlands. Forming the Netherlands grants permanent claims on the yellow area.Содержание
Found Oost-Indische Compagnie
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.A company of merchants are asking the States-General for a 21 year monopoly to carry out colonial activities in Asia. These areas are potentially very rich, but they need the monopoly because the risks are so high.
- is the Netherlands .
- does not have the modifier “Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie”.
- has discovered a province of Japan (region), Burma, Western India, Coromandel, Deccan (region), Bengal (region), SouthorNorth China.
- has not enacted the decision ‘Found Indian Trade Company’ or this decision before.
- have at least 2 home ports.
- have a diplomatic technology of at least level 10.
- owns a coastel province in Japan (region), Burma, West India, Coromandel, Deccan (region), Bengal (region), Malaya (region), Moluccas, Indonesia, Indochina, South or North China.
get the modifier “Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie” until the compagnie is disbanded by an event with the following effects:
- does not have the province modifier “Development of Amsterdam”.
- owns its core province Amsterdam (97).
- has a administrative technology of at least level 13.
- has at least 50 administrative power.
- does not have the province modifier “Development of Amsterdam”.
- owns its core province Amsterdam (97).
- has a administrative technology of at least level 13.
- has at least 50 administrative power.
+1 merchants, +5% global trade power, +25% colonial range.
Land Reclamation in Holland
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Holland has through the years been plagued by intermittent floods and this limits the potential of what is otherwise very attractive region. While our ancestors have done their best to drain the Dutch swamps they did not possess the same means we do. Let us concentrate all our expertise in land reclamation to improve the region and the city of Amsterdam so that we may create a northern port city worthy to rival the old urban centres of the South.
Holland (97) gets the permanent province modifier “Development of Amsterdam” for the rest of the campaign with the following effect:
Dutch missions
This article has been verified for the current version (1.31) of the game.
Clicking on a mission icon leads to the appropriate table row. "Repeat" action to return.
Land Reclamation in Holland
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Holland has through the years been plagued by intermittent floods and this limits the potential of what is otherwise very attractive region. While our ancestors have done their best to drain the Dutch swamps they did not possess the same means we do. Let us concentrate all our expertise in land reclamation to improve the region and the city of Amsterdam so that we may create a northern port city worthy to rival the old urban centres of the South.
Holland (97) gets the permanent province modifier “Development of Amsterdam” for the rest of the campaign with the following effect:
Form Dutch Nation
The Dutch are emerging as one of Europe's most capable naval and colonial powers. Lucrative trade opportunities, locally and overseas, have resulted in a swift evolution for the country into one of the first capitalist countries in the world.If the country is AI-controlled then:
Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
Dutch (Germanic) Den Haag (4383) Feudal Nobility Dutch ideas Traditions: +25% National sailors modifier +50% Naval force limit modifier
At least some were last verified for version 1.29.Found the Amsterdam Wisselbank
+0.10 Yearly inflation reduction
Dutch Trading Spirit
+1 Merchant +10% Trade range
−10% Development cost
Instructie voor de Admiraliteiten
+2 Naval leader fire +5% Marines force limit
Embrace Humanism
+3 Tolerance of heretics
Army Sappers
+10% Siege ability
Platoon Fire
+10% Land fire damage
+15% Trade efficiency
Holland starts in a personal union under Burgundy ; its cores are the provinces of Holland, Den Haag, and Zeeland. They share their national ideas and some events with the Netherlands . Getting independence from Burgundy is fairly straightforward, as Burgundy's central position makes them a wanted target for large European powers.
If the King of Burgundy Dies! event fires, all provinces owned by Burgundy and its subjects are claimed by another country (typically by the Holy Roman Emperor, which is usually Austria). However, human-controlled countries can never be inherited (see Artificial intelligence), so for a Holland player this results in instant independence. Once independent, Holland is in a very good position to form the Netherlands as they are surrounded by easy targets for expansion and probably have one or more very strong allies to assist them.
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