Какие идеи брать за австрию eu4
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At least some were last verified for version 1.30.
Major flavor events
The Imperial Parliament at Augsburg
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.A temporary doctrinal agreement was proclaimed in May 1548 between German Catholics and Protestants and became imperial law on June 30, 1548. It was prepared and accepted at the insistence of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, who hoped to establish temporary religious unity in Germany until differences could be worked out in a general council of the Catholic Church. The Augsburg Interim primarily reflected a Catholic viewpoint. It did, however, allow clerical marriage and communion in both kinds (bread and wine) for the laity. Several Protestant electors objected to the Catholic emphasis of the Augsburg Interim and refused to abide by it. Charles attempted to force its acceptance, an action that led the Protestants to adopt the Leipzig Interim, which upheld Protestant doctrines, at a subsequent Diet. Neither interim was fully accepted so a German religious settlement was not brought about until the Peace of Augsburg in 1555.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1550, but before 1650.
The HRE has Protestant and Catholic members.
Mean time to happen
ModifiersAustria is Catholic: ×0.75
Find a middle ground Support Catholics Support ProtestantsThe Royal Letter of Bohemia
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Pressed by the Estates of Bohemia and fearing the increasing power of his brother Ferdinand, Emperor Rudolf issued the Royal Letter of Bohemia. The letter gave religious freedom for all Protestants in Bohemia and the later recall of the letter would be one of the causes for the Thirty Years War.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1600, but before 1650.
Mean time to happen
ModifiersAustria has a ruler of the “von Habsburg” dynasty: ×0.75
Issue itBohemia gets the opinion modifier “Royal Letter of Bohemia” towards Austria for 25 years, worth +50 opinion with a yearly decay of 1 .
Do not issue itBohemia gets the opinion modifier “Refused Royal Letter of Bohemia” towards Austria for 50 years, worth −100 opinion with a yearly decay of 1 .
The Defenestration of Prague
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.The revolt began in Prague in May, 1618, after the royal letter of Bohemia had been recalled. Two royal officers and their secretary were hurled from a window by Protestant members of the Bohemian diet - the so-called Defenestration of Prague. Ferdinand was declared deposed and the Bohemian throne was offered to Frederick V, the elector palatine.
This event happens only once during a campaign.One of the following is true:
It is at least 1600, but before 1650.
Mean time to happen
Modifiers- has a ruler of the “von Habsburg” dynasty: ×0.75
- has chosen the option “Do not issue it” of the event ‘The Royal Letter of Bohemia’: ×0.25
If Austria leads a personal union with Bohemia :
Peasant Revolt in Austria
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.The 1620s were characterized by long and cold winters, late springs and cold and wet summers, leading to crop-failure and sharp increases in grain prices. Into this atmosphere of enhanced tension broke a climatic event of unusual severity. In 1626, during the last week of May, in the middle of the vegetation period, winter returned. The temperature fell so that lakes and rivers froze and trees shed their leaves. The unexpected return of winter caused panic and anxiety among the peasants who could not remember ever experiencing such destruction of their fields. This event, combined with the brutal persecution of Protestants, led the mainly Protestant peasants of Upper Austria, pledged to Bavaria, to revolt. The peasants were defeated after heavy fighting, and in 1628 the country passed into the hands of the emperor again.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1600, but before 1650.
Mean time to happen
They must be crushedPeasants (size 3) rise up in revolt in a random province of Austria.
Noble Revolt in Hungary
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.As struggles came and went the ruling family of Hungary, the Habsburgs, had established the following pattern in treating their nobility. During times of foreign war, nobles were granted rights which the crown then tried to recall as soon as peace came. This, naturally, often triggered revolts. Following this pattern, taxes and military drafts were imposed upon the nobles after Hungary's decisive victory over the Turks in 1699. But, when Austria went to war with France in 1703, the nobles revolted once again, and forced the Emperor Charles V to restore the old system of noble privileges, in the Peace of Szatmar of 1711.
This event happens only once during a campaign. They should learn their placeEvery province of Austria in Transdanubia, Northern Transylvania, Southern Transylvania, Alföld or Slovakia:
Noble rebels (size 3) rise up in revolt in a random province of Austria in Transdanubia, Northern Transylvania, Southern Transylvania, Alföld or Slovakia with a development of at least 10.
Give more concessionsEvery province of Austria in Transdanubia, Northern Transylvania, Southern Transylvania, Alföld or Slovakia that is not the capital:
The Purge of the Archbishop of Salzburg
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.In 1731 the Archbishop of Salzburg purged his lands from Protestants. The Protestants had grown in number over the years and the Archbishop had started to feel his powers threatened by their existence. More than 26000 ethnic German Protestants fled for their lives. 17000 of them were welcomed in Prussia in 1732 and most of them settled in East Prussia. Several Protestant countries started nation-wide collections to help the fugitives.
This event happens only once during a campaign.Salzburg does not exist. It is at least 1700.
Mean time to happen
Let the Archbishop Purge the Protestants Stop the Archbishop's PurgeWenzel Anton Kaunitz
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Wenzel Anton, Earl and then Prince of Rittberg-Kaunitz (1711-1794) was a noble from Bohemia. Impregnated of the culture of the Enlightenment, a devoted civil servant, he always had the full confidence and support from Empress Maria-Theresa. After a diplomatic career, he became Chancellor of Austria in 1753, till 1792. A partisan of alliance shifts, he worked out the closer ties with France that led to the Seven Years War, but also managed to renew with Frederick II of Prussia in time to be part of the first partition of Poland.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1741 but before 1794.
Mean time to happen
An Excellent Minister!If Austria has not enacted one of the highest tier government reforms
- then Austria gains 15 government reform progress.
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Metternich began his state career in 1797 as representative of the Westphalian College of counts at the Congress of Rastatt, but in less than a decade, he had managed to become ambassador of Saxony and Preussen as well as the Austrian representative in France. His career primed in 1809 when he was assigned the post as minister of Austrian foreign affairs. Until 1813 Metternich will pursue a policy of acquiescence to French supremacy. A policy which ends with the creation of the Quadruple Alliance, the war against France, and the allied victory the very same year. The following 35 years have been called the Age of Metternich for during this time he was the chief arbiter of Europe. The Metternich system depended upon political and religious censorship, espionage, and the suppression of revolutionary and nationalist movements. This system holds part of the blame for the revolutions of 1848.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1803.
Mean time to happen
An Excellent Minister!If Austria has not enacted one of the highest tier government reforms
- then Austria gains 15 government reform progress.
The Protestant Rebellion in Hungary
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Religious antagonism played an important part when war between the empire and the Turks broke out again in 1591. In the so-called Long War, imperial troops entered Transylvania, and their commander, George Basta, behaved there and in northern Hungary with such insane cruelty toward the Hungarian Protestants that a Transylvanian general, István Bocskay, formerly a Habsburg supporter, revolted. His army of wild hajduks drove out Basta, and in June 1606 Bocskay concluded with Rudolf the Peace of Vienna, which left him prince of an enlarged Transylvania and also guaranteed the rights of the Protestants of Royal Hungary.
This event happens only once during a campaign.Hungary does not exist.
Mean time to happen
Crush the Heretics Separatists (size 3) led by “István Bocskay” friendly to Hungary rise up in revolt in a Protestant province of Austria in Carpathia, but not in Wallachia or Moldavia.
Separatists (size 2) friendly to Hungary rise up in revolt in a Protestant province of Austria in Carpathia, but not in Wallachia or Moldavia.
The Enlightened Reforms of Joseph II
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Joseph II, 1741-90, Holy Roman Emperor (1765-90), King of Bohemia and Hungary (1780-90). After his father's death in 1765, Joseph acted as emperor and co-regent with his mother but had little real influence. Resenting this fact, he took to traveling until his mother's death in 1780. He then began reforms largely based on his own philosophy and principles, rather than those originating in the Enlightenment. These reforms consisted of nothing less than the abolition of hereditary and ecclesiastic privileges as well as the creation of a civil service based on merit and loyalty rather than birth.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1750, but before 1800.
Mean time to happen
Reforms of EnlightenmentIf Austria has not enacted one of the highest tier government reforms
- then Austria gains 15 government reform progress.
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.The Reichshofrat was instituted by Maximilian I in 1497 and consisted of 21 advisors appointed by the emperor, with the exception of the vice-chancellor who was appointed by the Elector of Mainz. It was done to rival the Imperial Chamber Court which the Imperial Diet had forced upon him earlier. Six of the councilors were Protestants and a unanimous vote by them was effectively a veto.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1480.
Mean time to happen
Create this new council- loses 1 stability.
- gets the modifier “Reichshofrat” for the rest of the campaign, giving the following effects:
−5% idea cost, +1 diplomatic reputation.
If Austria has not enacted one of the highest tier government reforms
- then Austria gains 15 government reform progress.
The Chastening of Hungary
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.The Turkish occupation of central Hungary remained a volatile issue, for every Hungarian resented the Habsburgs' policy of leaving the Turks unmolested while pursuing ambitious objectives in the west. Emperor Leopold sent a force against the Turks - but, although the Austrian general Raimondo Montecuccoli defeated the Turks at Szentgotthárd on Aug. 1, 1664, the subsequent Peace of Vasvár recognized all the sultan's gains. After that even the highest magnates of Royal Hungary plotted to expel the Habsburgs with Turkish and French help.
This event happens only once during a campaign.- own a province in Transdanubia or Alföld.
Hungary does not exist.
Mean time to happen
Centralized Administration from our capital Decentralized Hungarian Noble CouncilEvery province of Austria in Transdanubia and Alföld:
Austria releases Hungary as vassal.
The Insurrection of Duke Imre Thököly
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.A young Transylvanian, Imre Thököly, led a revolt that forced Leopold in 1681 to restore the constitution and revoke many of his harshest measures. Encouraged by Thököly's successes against the empire, the Ottoman Empire sent into Hungary a vast army that in 1683 reached the walls of Vienna.
This event happens only once during a campaign.- is Austria .
- owns a province in Carpathia, but not in WallachiaorMoldavia.
- does not have Hungarian as an accepted culture.
- does not own a province in Carpathia with at least 75 local autonomy.
- has a stability of less than 3.
Hungary does not exist.
It is at least 1650, but before 1700.
Mean time to happen
Stop the Movement for IndependenceEvery province of Austria in Carpathia, but not in Wallachia or Moldavia:
Every province of Austria in Carpathia, but not in Wallachia, Moldavia, Northern Transylvania or Southern Transylvania:
Serparatists (size 3) friendly to Hungary led by “Imre Thököly” rise up in revolt in a random province of Austria in Carpathia, but not in Wallachia or Moldavia.
Serparatists (size 1) friendly to Hungary rise up in revolt in another random province of Austria in Carpathia, but not in Wallachia or Moldavia.
The Reform of the Bureaucracy
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Maria Theresa determined from the outset of her reign that the Habsburg monarchy would never again be perceived as too weak to defend itself. Consequently, even while the war was under way she had been studying reforms, and when it ended she immediately began implementing them. First and foremost was the reform of the army. Maria Theresa realized, however, that no military reform would be effective without financial reform and in this area, advised by the brilliant Friedrich Wilhelm, Count von Haugwitz, she achieved her perhaps greatest accomplishments. Following the military and financial reforms other changes came, generally in administrative matters. Although these reforms were subjected too many modifications and changes throughout Maria Theresa's reign and after, the result was a government far more centralized than it had ever been before.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1750.
Mean time to happen
ReformAustria gets the modifier “Reform of the Bureaucracy” for 20 years, giving the following effects:
−10% advisor cost, −10% idea cost, −10% technology cost.
If Austria has not enacted one of the highest tier government reforms
- then Austria gains 15 government reform progress.
The Reactionary Reforms of 1789
Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.30.Joseph II was a controversial ruler. He began his reign with liberal reforms like the Edict of Toleration, which gave Lutherans, Calvinists, and Orthodox near equality with Roman Catholics. He also abolished serfdom and (temporarily) eased up on official censorship. However, Joseph was also an extreme centralist. In 1784 he informed the Hungarian government that its official language, Latin, was really not effective for modern government and would be changed to German. To add to their horror, Joseph refused to submit to a coronation in Hungary lest he have to swear to uphold laws that he did not wish to, and then he had the sacred crown of the kingdom moved to Vienna. In March 1787 Joseph swept away the constitution of the Austrian Netherlands and announced that from then on it would be ruled according to absolutist principles. Resistance simmered in the Austrian Netherlands until 1789 when it boiled over into open revolt. By that time there also were rumors of reb.
This event happens only once during a campaign.It is at least 1790
Mean time to happen
React against Revolutionary Tendencies!Separatists (size 1) rise up in revolt in 5 different random provinces of Austria that:
Какие идеи брать за австрию eu4
Europa Universalis 4 / Европа Универсалис 4
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какие идеи брать за Австрию. и всегда ли Венгрия падает в унию?
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Сначала старые
Я такие брал, но ты сам подумай. Дипломатические точно нужны.
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Михаил, а новаторские зачем? и Венгрия по ивенту упала в унию?
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Де, нравится и там эдикт на репутацию и стоимость советников(один эдикт). У Венгрии есть выбор: Нахер Австрию или Уния с Австрией. Если будет первое, то ты получишь касус белли на унию. Мне она по ивенту упала. Можно еще задания взять в 1500 году на унии с Венгрией и Богемией ( 2 задания)
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Михаил, то есть, если отношение хорошее, то в унию упадут?
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Де, нет, там рандом, не зависит от отношений
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Фёдор, как и с бургундией?
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Де, ne sozdavay souza, budet ivent na uniyu, voinoy zaunit 100 procentov mogno
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Александр, так союз и розорвать можно. а то пока придет время унить, от нее не чего не останится.
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Де, za vrema peremiria povod na uniyu propadet, provereno. Ivent vipadaet ochen bistro, 10/20 let s nachala igri. Ne uspeyut raspatsa
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Александр, а нельзя его взять пока в союзе, а потом розарвать его?
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Де, 10 лет перемирия после разрыва союза повод для войны пропадёт
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Де, povod propadet, nelza
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Де, so shvezariey ili s tevtonami soyuz delay poka vengriyu ne zaunish
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so shvezariey ili s tevtonami soyuz delay poka vengriyu ne zaunish
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Александр, зачем тевтоны? чтоб польша не росла?
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Александр, а союзить еще лучше кресты и фра?
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Де, на старте желательно союзить фра. К 1600-ым (если поляки живы и сильны) у тебя должны быть хорошие отношения с поляками и там постоянно должна сидеть твоя династия на троне. Когда избавятся от выборной монархии подождёшь момента и принудишь поляков к унии.
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Игорь, я так понял, одними униями можно расти?))
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Де, Это очень зависит от бога рандома-и-удачи (кроме поляков), так-что надеяться на это не стоит. :)
Однако, помню была партия (даже скрин тут выкладывал), где габсбурги расселились по всем крупным странам Европы кроме Московии и Испании. Т.е. будь Австрия человеком - заунила бы Францию с англичанами точно.
Уния вещь. Как вассал, но заунить можно страну любого размера, хоть она пол европы захватила, это будет большая удача (как потом присоединять такого монстра - более приятная задача :) )
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Игорь, так а польше нужно претензии на трон выдвигать?
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Де, когда у них будет абсолютная монархия вместо выборной, и когда у них не будет наследника (и династия твоя и дин.брак есть) - да.
и объявляешь войну сквозь пот, слёзы и агрессивное расширение (если был до этого союз он рвётся с перемирием ,которое надо будет нарушить, иначе за 10 лет может появится наследник и казус бели на унию исчезнет)
Роспуск СРИ [ ]
Для роспуска нужно:
- Держать в оккупации столицу Императора.
- Держать в оккупации столицы курфюрстов Империи.
В результате роспуска пропадает интерфейс СРИ и все дипломатические возможности СРИ, а также страна, распустившая СРИ получает 100 престижа.
Какие идеи брать за австрию eu4
этот мануал какой то бесполезный мусор, я за австрию заунил венгрию, францию и испанию со всеми колониями и ещё кучу всего, земли девать некуда вся южная америка и почти вся северная моя, дальше не интересно стало
soluckynoob 24 сен. 2019 в 21:44
Тебе не нужно с ней воевать на старте, можно вообще союз заключить, сначала Венгрию в унию затащи. Можешь с поляками заключить союз и распилить ее. Потом там вроде задание на унию с Богемией будет.
despair 24 сен. 2019 в 12:42
А научите дурака. Как победить Богемию? Я начинаю уже партию так 10, т.к. меня громят в войне без шансов, даже с двумя союзниками.
Cyxoq-kun 27 июл. 2019 в 21:13
Нихуя не понял. но луцк поставил
soluckynoob 2 сен. 2017 в 13:54
Captain Boomerang нажвть ту же кнопку, что и поддержка лоялистов.
Captain_Osman 2 сен. 2017 в 5:58
Как перестать поддерживать лоялистов в младшей унии?
Crazy Kraken 19 июн. 2017 в 14:07
Сделал ачивку не читая руководства.
В целом согласен, но надо добавить, что есть смысл заключать династический брак с Арагоном (он мне сразу после Венгрии в унию упал), и идеи я брал другие:
PS Австрия - невероятно сильна дипломатией (мне в унию падали Арагон, Неаполь, Речь посполитая, Кастилия, Богемия и Венгрия), те чем больше браков, тем вы сильнее
POSTMAN 13 янв. 2017 в 1:16
Мне один раз земли Бургундии и его союзников достались через династический брак в наследство без войн. А вот унии с Богемии такого еще не было. Надо попробовать в следующий раз.
Вступление в Империю и исключение провинций из Империи [ ]
Чтобы присоединиться к Империи, вы должны:
- Обладать хорошими отношениями с Императором;
- Быть малой державой и не входить в список Великих держав.
Исключать провинции из СРИ может любая держава. Исключение провинции из Империи понижает Имперский авторитет и серьёзно понижает отношение Императора к державе.
Какие идеи брать за австрию eu4
4 июн. 2020 в 2:04 Военное дело, какие идеи лучше? Отредактировано hamancha; 4 июн. 2020 в 2:04 4 июн. 2020 в 10:03 В начале важен боевой дух-потом дисциплина.Вообще зависит от ситуации.Есть неплохие связки новаторство/економика+качество,которые дают +20 к мощи пехоты/+5 дисциплины. 6 июн. 2020 в 1:14Мне нравится оборона тоже, особенно если рядом опасный и более сильный соперник.
Нужно дождаться следующего патча, я например ни разу не играл с аристократическими идеями, а после прочтения патча чет захотелось.
Политическая система [ ]
Границы Священной Римской Империи в начале игры.
Step-by-Step Guides to Austria 1.25 for two different playstyles
Hey guys! I got inspired by one of the earlier posts I saw here few weeks back on Austria and decided to tweak the guide a bit more. I found playing Austria was a lot different from other nations. As Reman puts it ‘for almost any other nation diplomacy is used to support war, but for Austria, war is used to support diplomacy’. I remember being stumped at what to do in the opening moves or even 50 years down the line when I played Austria for the first few times. From getting timely PUs, to getting good allies, preventing shadow kingdom, dealing with reformation and passing imperial reforms, you have your hands full when playing Austria. So, here is my attempt at a step-by-step guide to Austria on 1.25. I have split the guide into Assertive Austria (for more intense play style) and Amicable Austria (for more relaxed play style). The guide starts with a step by step list for the first month or so. And then goes into next major objectives for the first 50 years. I hope it will help out the newer players just a little bit.
Austria is one of the few nations where you will use diplomacy more than war to get a solid base for world domination. This guide will help you set up the first couple of months and fulfill short term objectives. Diplomacy has to be timed fairly well, as once nations fill their relationship slots its harder to get alliances and royal marriages (RM). I have laid out each step you will take for the first couple of months. After that, I will lay out the next objectives in more broad terms. I wish I could give you a longer step by step guide, but the RNG in game will dictate how you play to some extent. Even the steps here might change a bit if some nations decide to send you alliance/RM offers.
Guide to Assertive Austria
Primary Objective: Force PU on Bohemia and Hungary
Secondary Objective: Prevent Shadow Kingdom
Get the level 2 diplo rep advisor (scripted, half price). Get a cheap millitary advisor, preferably morale, but discipline or fort defense works too. Get a level 1 admin advisor (tax or inflation guys are nice). Set military focus for now.
Rival Ottomans and Venice leaving one slot open for a future Bohemia. You will use this open slot for whoever you attack next (bohemia, hungary, papal state, venice etc).
Set troop maintenance for 3/4ths readiness. Turn off fleet maintenance.
Mothball all your forts.
Play with you estates the usual way to get extra monarch points. Clergy: Recruit theologian/Send emissary to Pope/Demand Admin/Make contribution. Nobility: Grant General/Demand Mil. Burgers: Demand Diplo.
Spend all diplo on developing Tirol gold mine. Move the 7 stack to Linz. Sail all ships to Straits of Otranto. Move your merchant from Ragusa to Wien. Once you get a cardinal, invest in becoming the papal controller.
Ally Papal State (we ally them now to use up one of their relationship slots)
Ally Milan (they will help in your war against Venice and maybe even the Popeman)
Sell 2 transports for 30 to Ferrera
Sell your trade ship to Urbino for 20.
Sell 2 transports to Lucca for 30
Sell 2 transports to Sienna for 30 (should have no ships left).
Build spy network on Papal state and improve relations with the electors.
When you get to idea groups, go for Diplomatic, then Religious.
For Age of Discovery abilities, go for reduced aggressive expansion (AE) and free war taxes.
Bohemia PU
The First Papal War
Next you need to attack the Popeman. This is to prevent the Shadow Kingdom. The event Rein in Northern Italy is your friend here. You will need to own Ancona, Romagna, Umbria, and Roma along with Urbino to prevent Shadow Kingdom. This is a 2 war process. Dissolve your alliance and break truce (if you wait till truce is over, papal state might have a stronger ally. Though you can save scum and take that chance). Get Ancona, Urbino and Romagna (and Umbria if you can) in the first war. Milan is unlikely to help and Bohemia might still have more than 50% liberty desire, so you will be all alone in this war. Popeman will likely have Genoa/Mantua as allies, making the war fairly quick. I have to emphasize here that preventing Shadow Kingdom is not utterly necessary. Yes its nice to have that extra Imperial land for Imperial Authority (IA) points generation. But if Papal State is allied to Castile/Aragon/France, the war will drag on for a long time and you might want to consider just letting Northern Italy go for now. You can always conquer it later. Build spy network on Venice while at war here.
Hungary PU
Venetian War
This war is again part of the Shadow Kingdom prevention. You need to take Brescia, Treviso, Friuli, and Verona in this war. Milan will help you out as they want Brescia, you can give it to them. Get this war done. You will have a lot of AE at this point, so keep your diplomats busy with improving relations.
The Second Papal War
Take a breath
You have done it! Now you can relax. for more or less 10 years. Get your manpower back. Get your finances back on track. You are going to need it. Bank a bit of admin points, you might have to no CB some heretics.
Next Big Objective: Deal with Reformation
1550 and beyond
Guide to Amicable Austria
Primary Objective: Force PU on Bohemia
Secondary Objective: Get back the Imperial land
Get the level 2 diplo rep advisor (scripted, half price). Get a cheap millitary advisor, preferably morale, but discipline or fort defense works too. Get a level 1 admin advisor (tax or inflation guys are nice). Set military focus for now.
Rival Ottomans and Venice leaving one slot open for a future Bohemia. You will use this open slot for whoever you attack next (bohemia, hungary, papal state, venice etc).
Set troop maintenance for 3/4ths readiness.
Mothball all your forts.
Play with you estates the usual way to get extra monarch points. Clergy: Recruit theologian/Send emissary to Pope/Demand Admin/Make contribution. Nobility: Grant General/Demand Mil. Burgers: Demand Diplo.
Spend all diplo on developing Tirol gold mine. Move the 7 stack to Linz. Sail all ships to Straits of Otranto. Send trade ship to protect trade in Ragusa. Move your merchant from Ragusa to Wien. Once you get a cardinal, invest in becoming the papal controller.
Sell your transports to Ferrara, Lucca and Siena. And your galleys to Ragusa.
You might have to RM Burgundy or Bohemia again.
Build spy network on Venice and improve relations with the electors.
Ally Castile when they are done with the Navarran succession war.
Idea groups are again Diplomatic, then Religious.
For Age of Discovery abilities, go for reduced AE and transfer subject.
Bohemia PU is same as with Assertive Austria.
Pay off your loans; improve relations with Bohemia and get your manpower up.
Venetian War
When you are ready, declare on Venice and take Treviso, Verona, and humiliate them.
Hungary PU
If you get the Hungary event with Restoration of Union CB or you can click on the mission. Do it and get that PU. You can dissolve the alliance and wait for truce to expire. No need to hurry on this. You can call Poland in as well.
I would still recommend crushing the reformation as the religious league wars are a massive waste of time and resources. Next whittle down France with the help of Castile/Spain, flex all your might against Ottomans and you will have smooth sailing from here on out.
Bonus Links:
(Most video guides I find on EU4 are very long, which is great when you need to learn every minute detail. The above video is more of a quick review guide)
I relatively new here and not sure about sub rules, but both those links are not monetized, in case mods are curious.
Hope this helps the newer players in learning some nuances of this awesome complex game! Any and all feedback is welcome!
Священная Римская империя
Священная Римская империя — уникальная германская политическая система, состоящая из множество государств Германии и Северной Италии. Члены Империи именуются княжествами.
Реформы и авторитет [ ]
Одними из основных механик СРИ выступают Имперский авторитет и Имперские реформы. Принимать реформы может только Император, князья же могут голосовать за реформы, одобряя или не одобряя их. Авторитет зарабатывается за:
- Большое число князей;
- Мир среди князей Империи;
- Вхождение провинций в состав Империи;
- Удерживание трона одной и той же династией долгое время;
Авторитет теряется из-за:
- Отказов князей Империи в поддержке оборонительных войн;
- Выхода провинций из состава Империи;
- Наличия в Империи князей-еретиков;
- Контроля Имперских земель странами, не входящими в СРИ;
- Наличия в Империи менее семи курфюрстов;
Все реформы направлены на централизацию Империи и превращение её в единое государство, как это было изначально. Для принятия реформы необходимо 50 Имперского авторитета и перевес поддержки реформы. Вот модификаторы всех реформ:
- Стоимость зданий: -5%;
- Цена повышения развития: -5%;
- Casus Belli против стран, не входящих в СРИ, но обладающих Имперскими землями.
- Дипломаты: +1;
- Дипломатическая репутация: +1.00;
- Национальные беспорядки: -2.00;
- Годовое изменение легитимности: +0.50;
- Стоимость национализации: -10%;
- Доход от налогов: +20 дукат;
- Дипломатическая репутация: +1.00;
- Годовое изменение престижа: +0.50;
- Стоимость технологий: -5%;
- Запрет на ведение войн внутри Империи;
- Прирост Имперского авторитета: +25%;
- Годовое изменение легитимности: +0.50;
- Все князья СРИ станут вассалами Императора или покинут Империю. Император получит претензии на все Имперские земли.
- Прирост Имперского авторитета: +25%;
- Стоимость стабильности: -10%;
Austrian missions
Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 1.30.
Clicking on a mission icon leads to the appropriate table row. "Repeat" action to return.
National missions
Holy Roman ambitions
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.30.Conquer Galicia
Holy Roman Empire
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.30.This modifier will be removed if Austria is no longer the Emperor of the HRE.
This modifier will be removed if Austria is no longer the Emperor of the HRE.
This modifier will be removed if Austria is no longer the Emperor of the HRE.
Религиозные лиги [ ]
С началом Эпохи Реформации страны обращаются в Протестантизм или Реформатство. Это приводит к началу раскола в Империи, ведь Императорами могут становиться лишь те, кто исповедует Католичество. В этот момент появляется интерфейс религиозных лиг, в которые могут вступить любые страны, тем самым поддерживая ту или иную религию.
Когда напряжение среди лиг достигает своего пика, начинается война, куда вступают все страны, состоящие в лигах. Могут быть три исхода войны лиг:
- Победа Протестантизма. Теперь официальной религией становится Протестантизм, и исповедовать без минуса к Имперскому авторитету можно либо Протестантизм, либо Реформатство.
- Победа Католичества. Официальной религией остаётся Католичество, Протестанты и Реформаты всё так же вне закона.
- Религиозный мир. Для исповедования в Империи открыты все религии, и Имперский авторитет больше не уменьшается из-за князей-еретиков.
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