Виза сша в румынии
Иммиграционная служба США предоставляет возможность держателям визы оформить ее повторно без прохождения личного интервью – при условии соответствия ряду требований. Одним из важнейших факторов в данном случае является страна выдачи последнего разрешения на въезд. В связи с тем, что многие аппликанты проходили и продолжают проходить визовые интервью за рубежом, возникла путаница – в каком случае возможно продлить визу США за границей и наоборот, когда заявитель имеет право на продление в России. Перед подачей заявления обязательно проверьте, где было проставлено предыдущее разрешение, а затем сверьте информацию с нашей статьей.
Итак, если вы оформляли свою последнюю американскую визу за границей, продлить в России ее нельзя . Данное правило однозначно и конкретно: здесь нет никаких исключений, послаблений, особых условий и пр. Право на подачу документов в заочном режиме (через курьерскую службу VFS Global) имеют только те аппликанты, кто получал визу США в России . Очевидно, что большинство заявителей выезжают для прохождения интервью в другие государства по причине невозможности записаться в Посольство в РФ, однако это ничего не меняет: например, в случае, когда заявитель получил визу в Израиле/Украине/Польше и любой другой стране, продлить ее в России он не сможет.
Кроме того, следует отметить, что для российских граждан заочное получение американской визы за рубежом, даже в той стране, где было оформлено последнее разрешение на въезд, также недоступно . Связано это с тем, что опцией продления визы США за границей могут воспользоваться только резиденты конкретной страны, а не иностранные визитеры. Соответственно, если вы оформляли документы (к примеру) в Латвии/Казахстане и пр., то получить здесь визу без интервью вы, увы, не сможете, т.к. не являетесь резидентом данного государства . Таким образом, оформив визу США за рубежом, вам в любом случае потребуется проходить интервью при последующем обращении.
Получение визы в США за границей
Вакцинация за границей
Nonimmigrant Visas
Please come to the Consular Section no earlier than 10 minutes before your appointment time.
Contact Us
To contact a customer service representative, please visit the GSS Contact Us page for full information or use contact information below:
- Telephone: For Visa Interview Appointments and Visa Information, call 03 17 800 260 (from Romania) or 703 988 7105 (from the United States).
Visiting the Embassy or Consulate
- Drumul Matasii lines: 301, 148, 149, 449;
- Baneasa Shopping City lines : 131, 335, 605, 261;
- Weather Forecast Institute lines: 148, 149, 301, 304, 449, 476, 783;
- Aleea Privighetorilor lines: 148, 301;
- Baneasa Restaurant lines: 148, 301.
Important Message
If you have particular concerns, complaints or comments about customer service or a visa issue, please feel free to contact the Consul General at [email protected]. The Consul General reviews all such correspondence and will respond within two to three business days.
New Procedure for Processing 221(g) Visa Cases Effective July 5th, 2016
The Bureau of Consular Affairs launched a redesigned website
New I-94 Automation Program
Diplomatic and Official Visas
To qualify for a diplomatic/official visa, applicants must be traveling to the United States on behalf of their national government to engage in official activities for that government. Applicants may submit their documents to the Consular Section by courier, Monday through Friday between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Processing time is 48 hours.
Necessary Documents for:
A1/A2 Visas (Diplomats and Foreign Government Officials)
- Confirmation page of the DS-160 application
- Valid passport
- Recent photo
- Verbal Note from the Ministry/government agency listing the name of the official travelers and specify their title or official status. It should also specify the date of departure from Romania, and the purpose of the trip and length of stay in the United States.
NATO 1-6 Visas (Foreign Military Personnel) – Applicants may submit their documents to the Consular Section by courier, Monday through Friday between 2:00p.m. and 3:00 p.m. The necessary processing time is 48 hours.
- Confirmation page of the DS-160 application
- Valid passport
- Recent photo
- Verbal Note from the Ministry of National Defense listing the name of the official travelers and specify their title or official status. It should also specify the date of departure from Romania, and the purpose of the trip and length of stay in the United States.
G Visas (International Organization Employees) – Applicants may submit their documents to the Consular Section by courier, Monday through Friday between 2:00p.m. and 3:00 p.m. The necessary processing time is 48 hours..
- Confirmation page of the DS-160 application
- Valid passport
- Recent photo
- Official request from the appropriate international organization.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at:[email protected]
B1/B2, A3, G5, NATO7 Domestic Employees
An employer may take an alien domestic worker to the U. S. on a nonimmigrant visa if the meet the following conditions:
- U.S. Citizens who reside permanently abroad and are visiting the U.S. temporarily, or who habitually reside abroad in foreign service but are assigned to the U.S. temporarily and returning for a stay of no more than four years.
- Nonimmigrant aliens (bearers of B, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, O, P, or Q visas) who apply for temporary admission to the United States.
- PLEASE NOTE: Legal permanent residents of the U.S. (“Green Card” holders) are not entitled to bring or employ nonimmigrant alien domestic employees to the United States.
A domestic employee applying for a nonimmigrant visa must meet the following conditions:
For a sample contract, click here. (PDF 284 KB)
How do I determine the prevailing wage and other employment requirements?
In addition to including the correct wage in the contract, employers are expected to understand and comply with all local employment laws that are in effect in any city/state they might visit (for example, some city/states require the payment of overtime when employees work more than 40 hours/week). To learn what these requirements are, employers should contact the appropriate state Department of Labor.
Fraud Prevention
The Fraud Prevention Unit’s (FPU) principal mission is to safeguard the U.S. borders by detecting and stopping fraud in applications for U.S. passports, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad, immigrant visas, and non-immigrant visas. FPU accomplishes this critical goal by training Consular Section staff on fraud detection, maintaining close cooperation with U.S. and Romanian law enforcement agencies and deploying our staff of highly trained investigators to conduct interviews and investigations.
For more information about visa website fraud, please visit the Website Fraud Warning page
Contact Information
If you have a tip or information concerning fraud that you wish to share with the embassy, you may contact the Fraud Prevention Unit (FPU) by email at [email protected]. Additionally, you may fax FPU at (4021)200-3381. If you wish to keep your identity confidential, be sure to tell the FPU that this is your wish when you contact the embassy.
E2 Treaty Investor Visa
All documents should be submitted electronically to the Consular Section at the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest via the following email address: [email protected]. You will receive an email response acknowledging receipt of your submission within 2 business days.
After receiving your electronic files, the Consular Section will review the application. This process may take up to 15 business days. At the end of the review process, you will be contacted to schedule your interview at the Consular Section.
Applying for the E2 Treaty Investor visa has three stages:
Applications should be submitted in a .pdf file format, divided as follows:
Tab A (Table of Contents)
Cover letter describing the enterprise and the beneficiary. This letter should address all the requirements for E-2 visa eligibility. These, which are described in depth in U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual (9 FAM 41.51 N1.2) require the applicant to show:
Tab B (Forms)
1) The confirmation page of the DS-160 (applicants are required to complete the online electronic visa application form DS-160 and submit the confirmation sheet with their application) and form DS-156E (parts 1, 2, and 3). Contact information provided on the DS-160 must include an e-mail address.
3) Please submit a letter of agreement between the investor and the representative signed by both parties and include contact email address and phone number;
If the applicant is not an investor but an employee, please include a job letter from the company. This letter should describe:
- the business;
- the job the applicant will do;
- his or her qualifications for that job.
Tab C (Applicant Information)
Tab D (Ownership)
2) Share certificates and/or operating agreement (as applicable) to verify ownership.
- a) If you have a large company with several owners or subsidiaries or if the chain of ownership includes intermediary entities, please also submit the following:
- An organogram of the full ownership structure;
- Legal evidence of instances of ownership within that chain;
- Color photocopies of the bio data pages of the passports of the owners of the ultimate parent company.
- b) If the investor is a public company with many shareholders, none of whom owns more than 50%, please also include:
- A copy of the most recent Annual Report;
- The Companies House Report;
- A copy of the most recent trading information on the stock.
Tab E (Investment)
1) A complete money trail of the funds invested, including:
- Documentation of the original source of the funds (sale of property, inheritance, loans, earnings, sale of business, etc.)
- Movement of these funds to a U.S. account;
- Use of these funds for qualifying business expenses. Please include invoices, cancelled checks, and bank statements showing matching debits (highlighted).
2) If you are buying an existing business, please provide all of the following that apply in your case:
- A signed, dated, valid purchase agreement
- A binding escrow agreement (see 9 FAM 41.51 N8.103 for guidelines) that explicitly says where the money goes if the visa is issued, what happens when it does not, and is signed and dated by all parties. Please cross-reference exactly any relevant purchase agreement.
- Signed, dated, valid lease for business premises, including evidence of payments.
- Evidence of any other funds spent to acquire and set up the business
3) If you are establishing a start-up, please provide all of the following that apply:
- Signed, dated, valid lease for business premises, including evidence of payments;
- Evidence of equipment and/or inventory purchases.
4) If you are purchasing a franchise, please provide:
- a signed and dated franchise agreement;
- evidence of payment of the franchise fee;
- evidence of any employees already or to be hired.
5) Investment spreadsheet. Evidence of investment is required, e.g., copies of debits from bank accounts, checks, invoices.
Tab F (Real and Operating)
- Relevant local, state and/or federal licenses
- Monthly bank statements for current calendar year.
Tab G (Marginality – if existing business)
- US tax returns for business for the past three years. Taxes must include all statements and schedules. These must be copies of the signed and dated forms actually submitted to the IRS.
- All W-2 and/or 1099s for the last two tax years.
- Profit and loss statements for the current and previous calendar years.
Start-up business should also provide:
- A business plan that analyzes the local market and competition and gives a 5-year projection of profit and loss. Projections must be backed up by external sources;
- A breakdown of start-up costs necessary for the business to become operational.
Family Members
Spouses and unmarried minor children of the principal applicant may apply for accompanying visas. Each family member must meet all other visa eligibility requirements, including evidence that they will have sufficient funds for their support. The spouse of an E visa holder may apply to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for work authorization. Children of E visa holders may not accept employment. School-age minor children may attend public schools on accompanying status.
Children under the age of 14 are NOT required to be present for the interview.
For more information about treaty investor visas, please visit the Treaty Investor page.
Вакцинация от Covid в Хорватии
В Хорватии можно получить одобренные в ЕС вакцины Pfizer и Janssen.
Адреса, где вакцинируют иностранных туристов: Загреб Ulica Radoslava Cimermana 64A в будни с 8 до 16; Zagrebački Velesajam Avenija Dubrovnik 15 (paviljon 6)
Дубровник Studentski dom, Marka Marojice 2.
Как получить QR код EU DCC в Хорватии (Дубровник):
Нужно написать через 15 дней после введения дозы (не раньше) по адресу [email protected] с приложением того, что дали в пункте вакцинации.
Общий адрес для запроса QR кода в Хорватии: [email protected]
Прививка Pfizer в Сербии
В Сербии нужно записываться на вакцинацию.
Помочь иностранцам записаться на вакцинацию могут отели через систему E-tourist.
Как пишут на форуме: заполнить заявку могут только сотрудники отеля / хостела после чек-ина. Поэтому заранее записаться на вакцинацию в Сербии нельзя, только после приезда.
Конвертация сербских сертификатов о вакцинации одобренной в ЕС вакциной в гринпасс (EU DCC)
В Польшу можно попасть из любой страны ЕС: ПРАВИЛА ВЪЕЗДА В ПОЛЬШУ.
Получение визы в США за границей
Два варианта:
1) мониторить страницу записи на собеседование или специальную тему на форуме, где отписываются о результатах мониторинга.
2) поехать получать визу в США за границу, в другие страны.
Как податься на визу США в другой стране
Пример ваших действий с картинками сделан на примере Латвии, Риги:
Получение визы США в Риге (Латвия)
Прививка Pfizer или Janssen в Румынии
Румыния имеет большую квоту доз вакцин, население не спешит прививаться, поэтому стала предлагать туристам уколоться.
Причем бесплатно.
Сделать это можно например при посещении замка Дракулы в выходные дни.
Пишут, что компания по вакцинации в замке Дракулы закончится в конце августа .
Совместить полезное с приятным.
Правила въезда в Румынию доступны всем россиянам. Надо лишь:
1. Купить билет в Бухарест из Москвы.
2. Арендовать машину в аэропорту Бухареста.
3. Приехать 200 км в сторону Брашова.
График вакцинации Пятница 14:00-20:00, Суббота 10:00-20:00, Воскресенье 10:00-18:00
The purpose of your intended travel and other facts will determine what type of visa is required under U.S. immigration law. As a visa applicant, you will need to establish that you meet all requirements to receive the category of visa for which you are applying.
See our Directory of Visa Categories on usvisas.state.gov to determine which visa category might be appropriate for your purpose of travel to the United States.
Nonimmigrant Visas
Immigrant Visas
What is a Visa?
A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to enter the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa, which is placed in the traveler’s passport, a travel document issued by the traveler’s country of citizenship.
Certain international travelers may be eligible to travel to the United States without a visa if they meet the requirements for visa-free travel. The Visa section of this website is all about U.S. visas for foreign citizens to travel to the United States.
(Note: U.S. citizens don’t need a U.S. visa for travel, but when planning travel abroad may need a visa issued by the embassy of the country they wish to visit.).
Contact Us
To contact a customer service representative, please visit the GSS Contact Us page for full information or use contact information below:
- Telephone: For Visa Interview Appointments and Visa Information, call 03 17 800 260.
Customer Service Statement
The Department of State manages the visa process strictly but fairly in order to best protect the United States. We are committed to the essential openness for which the United States has always been known. Travel to the United States is welcomed and encouraged.
Прививка иностранной вакциной в Австрии
Вакцинация от Covid для туристов в Греции
Вакцинация в Греции по записи.
Чтобы записаться на вакцинацию нужен социальный номер AMKA. Естественно у туриста его нет.
Но сейчас для вакцинации можно получить временный номер AMKA в греческих центрах обслуживания граждан KEP.
Для его получения нужно придти с паспортом в KEP и попросить временный AMKA для вакцинации.
Получив его, можно записаться на вакцинацию в ближайшей аптеке.
Если вы привились первой дозой вакцины не в Греции, можете получить вторую дозу находясь в Греции.
Для этого нужно посетить KEP со своим сертификатом о введении первой дозы вакцины и подать заявку на вторую дозу в Греции.
Возможная схема как сделать прививку в Греции описана на форуме: здесь.
Форум Винского
Начните чтение с темы Виза США для граждан России за границей
В этой теме обсуждаются только специфические вопросы для подачи в Румынии гражданами РФ.
Форум Винского особо обращает внимание на то, что Посольство США рекомендует подавать заявление на визу в стране вашего гражданства или постоянного проживания.
Гражданам РФ, желающим обратиться за визой США за пределами России, необходимо подать заявление и оплатить консульский сбор в соответствии с требованиями дипмиссии США в той стране, которая выбрана для обращения за визой. Консульский сбор, оплаченный для подачи в одной стране, нельзя использовать в другой стране.
Примите во внимание следующее:
2. Если Вы уже заполнили и поставили электронную подпись в своей анкете ( DS-160 ), указав в ней местом обращения не Бухарест, а другой город,
внесите изменения в DS-160, в пункте "Select a location where you will be applying for this visa" , указав новое место обращения за визой ( ROMANIA, BUCHAREST ):
Инструкция по внесению изменений и копированию DS-160
4. Документы могут быть доставлены по адресу в Румынии за дополнительную плату. Бесплатно паспорт можно забрать в офисе службы доставки (Fedex)
В этой теме только вопросы и отзывы о получении туристической визы гражданами РФ в Румынии.
Остальные вопросы, касающиеся получения визы США за границей Виза США для граждан России за границей
Сколько будет стоить виза США за границей
Вы можете скалькулировать стоимость визы США полученной за границей самостоятельно.
Поездка просто за визой за границу это сумма стоимости авиабилетов, транспортные расходы в стране пребывания, стоимость проживания в ожидании визы.
Если у вас два загранпаспорта, то вы экономите на проживании и транспортных расходах.
Но включите в сумму стоимость доставки вашего паспорта с визой США курьерской службой страны где вы подались на визу.
Авиабилеты: прикиньте стоимость на сайте поиска авиабилетов.
Отель: Прикиньте стоимость жилья на сайте Букинг.ком или Airbnb.
Аренда автомобиля: вместо такси можно использовать арендованный автомобиль.
Общая информация о получении визы в США за рубежом: Легко ли получить визу в США в чужой стране
Apply for a U.S. Visa
The U.S. visa application is often much simpler if you are renewing your visa. It is important to know that your visa may still be used, even if it is in an expired passport. You can travel to the United States with your old passport containing a valid visa and your new, valid passport.
However, you may qualify for a waiver of the interview requirement, eliminating the need to come to the Embassy. Use of the Interview Waiver service does not guarantee visa issuance. Further, we may, in some cases, after reviewing an application submitted by mail, require an in-person interview.
Applicants may qualify for a waiver of the interview requirement in the following situations:
- Children under 14 are eligible for the Interview Waiver service, even if they have not been issued a US visa before.
- Applicants of 80 years of age or older are eligible for the Interview Waiver service, even if they have not been issued a US visa before.
- You are applying for the same visa category.
- Your U.S. visa is still valid or expired less than 48 months ago. Note: For Summer Work Travel (SWT) and Camp Counselor (CC) applicants, the previously issued visa is still valid or has expired within the last year.
- Your last visa was issued after January 1, 2008.
- Your passport with the previous visa is still in your possession.
- In the annotation field, your previous visa does NOT show ANY of the following: “Waiver” or “Clearance”.
- Your nationality, date of birth and gender are the same in your old and new passports.
- You are currently in Romania.
- Since your last visa was issued, you have NOT applied to extend or adjust your immigration status while in the United States.
- Since your last visa was issued, you have NOT been arrested or deported or violated U.S. immigration laws or regulations.
- Since your last visa was issued, you have NOT applied for a visa and been refused or your visa has been cancelled or revoked.
The Consular Section reserves the right to request that an applicant appear in person for an interview after reviewing his or her application.
Please note that if you are applying for a visa with a temporary passport, the validity of your visa will be limited to one year. If you have applied for a visa with a temporary passport in the past, you will be asked to obtain a full validity passport prior to visa issuance. To avoid delays in visa processing, please apply with a full validity passport. Full validity Romanian passports are valid for ten years effective July 2018. Romanian biometric passports issued before July 2018 are valid for five years. If your passport is valid for one year or less, it is a temporary passport.
How to apply
Step 1
Complete the non-immigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160) form and print out the DS-160 Confirmation Page with bar-code.
Step 2
Log-in to our online applicant system and create/update your profile to pay the visa application (MRV) fee. Once logged in, choose “New Application/Schedule Appointment”, select “Nonimmigrant Visa” and then “Continue”. You will select the visa category; you will provide passport information, the DS-160 Application ID, contact information and the address for passport delivery.
Step 3
As you go through the process you will answer the questions which will evaluate your eligibility for the Interview Waiver. After you answer the questions, you will be prompted to enter an address where you want your passport and visa to be delivered and prompted to pay the visa fee. If qualified for the Interview Waiver, you will receive detailed instructions of how to deliver your documents. You will need three pieces of information in order to register online:
- Your passport number
- The receipt number from your payment receipt. (Click hereif you need help finding this number.)
- The ten (10) digit barcode number from your DS-160 confirmation page
Make sure you select how you choose to have your passport with visa delivered:
- FedEx Pick-up: You may pick up your passport at the FedEx pick-up location you specified when you scheduled your interview. This option is free.
- Premium Delivery: If you select this option, we will send your passport to your home or office via FedEx courier. There is an additional fee of 24 RON/passport for this service, which is paid directly to FedEx on delivery.
IMPORTANT! You must print out the Interview Waiver Confirmation Page and send it to the Consular Section along with the other documents. If we do not receive the Interview Waiver Confirmation Page, we will not be able to process your visa application. This is how the Interview Waiver Confirmation Page looks like:
Step 4
Gather your DS-160 confirmation page, current and previous passports, a recent photo and your Interview Waiver Confirmation Page and the bank receipt/proof of payment, work contract/letter of employment for crew members (C1/D). Depending on the visa category, you may require additional documentation i.e. photocopy of parent’s U.S. visa and photocopy of birth certificate for all minors under the age of 14 years, work contract/letter of employment for crew members or technicians on board vessels (C1/D and B1), valid I-20 form for students (F1 or M1), DS-2019 for exchange visitors (J1) etc.
Step 5
Visa applicants wishing to take advantage of this service should ensure they send their application and supporting documents to the Embassy by FedEx.
You will need to send the documents by FedEx Express (FedEx pick up locations). To do so, you have to go to a FedEx pick up location and submit the Interview Waiver Confirmation Letter and all the other required documents. This service is free of charge.
Important: If you want a FedEx courier to pick up the documents from your home/office, you have to pay an additional fee.
Step 6
At the end of the visa adjudication process, FedEx will return your documents and your passport to you at the chosen document delivery address in your profile. You can change the delivery address by accessing your profile. If issued, your passport will contain your visa.
Once we receive your application package, a consular officer will make the final determination whether you qualify for visa issuance without a personal interview. In such a case, your visa will be issued and your passport containing the visa will be returned to you. Processing time takes a minimum of 5 days.
Should an officer determine a personal interview is required, you will receive a visa interview appointment letter via FedEx.
Как сделать прививку от Covid в Болгарии
Тем, кто не имеет вида на жительство в Болгарии предлагаю пробовать прийти на вакцинацию без заявки взяв направление у терапевта (платный приём).
Это часто срабатывает, как показывает опыт.
Где привиться иностранной вакциной за границей
Вакцинация иностранных туристов в Венгрии
Где привиться иностранной вакциной
Помощь с оплатой визы в США через Banca Transilvania
Заявители из России рассматривают самые разные варианты оформления визы за границей. Наиболее популярным направлением является Казахстан, но поскольку желающих поехать туда достаточно много, попасть на интервью сложно. Хорошей альтернативой становится Румыния: многие аппликанты подают документы на визу именно здесь. Но стоит учитывать, что на данный момент в Посольство США в Бухаресте можно обратить только за студенческой визой F-1 и F-2. А вот визы B1/B2 данное Посольство все еще не выдает . Положительная статистика по одобренным визам и относительная близость к России делает Посольство в Румынии привлекательным для наших соотечественников.
Единственная проблема в процессе оформления визы США через Бухарест связана с оплатой консульского сбора. Дело в том, что перевести деньги за пошлину для подачи документов в Румынии возможно только в местном отделении банка – за границей и онлайн сделать этого нельзя. Получается, что из-за оплаты сбора за визу США в Посольстве в Румынии заявителю необходимо ехать в эту страну дважды или – максимально заранее. Приехать, посетить банк и сразу пройти интервью не получится: записаться можно после оплаты, и время ожидания собеседования не регламентировано. Следовательно, ждать понадобится долго. Или придется вернуться на это время в РФ.
Конечно, такая схема усложняет процедуру получения американской визы и также влечет за собой дополнительные расходы. Однако наша компания предлагает решение – мы оплатим сбор для визы США в Румынии за вас. По правилам Посольства нет никакой разницы, кто именно перечислит деньги в офисе банка . Это может быть как сам заявитель, так и его представитель, т.е. третье лицо. Причем нотариальную доверенность для этого оформлять не нужно . У нашей компании есть свой представитель в Румынии, который занимается в том числе и оплатой пошлины за визу. Такую услугу мы можем оказать и вам – если вы планируете подавать документы в Бухаресте.
Отметим, что данная опция – оплата сбора за визу в США в Посольстве в Румынии – ни к чему вас не обязывает: вы можете заниматься оформлением самостоятельно, а мы поможем только с перечислением средств за пошлину. Срок оплаты в Бухаресте составляет один рабочий день. Вы получите квитанцию на электронную почту, внесете соответствующий номер в личном кабинете и запишетесь на интервью . Оригинал платежа во время собеседования с офицером не потребуется. Как видите, все просто и прозрачно. Свою заявку на оплату сбора через Banca Transilvania отправляйте на адрес Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – мы поможем вам оперативно оформить американскую визу в Румынии.
Apply for a U.S. Visa
In light of increasing numbers of COVID cases, the Consular Section is facing the need to reduce overall capacity for the safety of applicants and staff. To maintain our ability to provide visa services in Romania, we regret that as a temporary measure, effective October 1, 2021, we are only able to provide visa services to applicants who are Romanian citizens or who have proof of legal residence in Romania (eg, permis de sedere). We understand the inconvenience that this causes to applicants from outside of Romania who have previously scheduled visa appointments in Bucharest that are now cancelled. Applicants who have already paid the Machine-Readable Visa (MRV) fee should note that the fee is valid for one year from the date of payment or until September 30, 2022, whichever is later. We hope to resume visa services to all applicants as soon as it is safe to do so and encourage non-resident applicants to watch for updates on our operating status. Please note that we will not be able to accommodate emergency appointment requests from non-resident applicants.
Presidential Proclamation on Health Care Interview Waiver ExpansionSecretary Blinken, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security, has temporarily expanded the ability of consular officers to waive the in-person interview requirement for individuals applying for a nonimmigrant visa in the same classification. Previously, only those applicants whose nonimmigrant visa expired within 24 months were eligible for an interview waiver. The Secretary has temporarily extended the expiration period to 48 months. This policy is in effect until December 31, 2021. This change will allow consular officers to continue processing certain nonimmigrant visa applications while limiting the number of applicants who must appear at a consular section, thereby reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission to other applicants and consular staff. Travelers are encouraged to review the website of the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate for detailed information on what services are currently available as well as eligibility information and instructions on applying for a visa without an interview.
Rescission of Presidential Proclamation 10014President Biden rescinded Presidential Proclamation (PP) 10014, entitled “Proclamation Suspending Entry of Immigrants Who Present Risk to the U.S. Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the COVID-19 Outbreak,” on February 24, 2021. Immigrant visa applicants who had been affected by this proclamation should review the instructions here.
Presidential Proclamation 10052Presidential Proclamation 10052, which temporarily suspended the entry of certain H-1B, H-2B, J (for certain categories within the Exchange Visitor Program), and L nonimmigrants, expired on March 31, 2021.
Visa applicants who have not yet been interviewed or scheduled for an interview will have their applications prioritized and processed in accordance with existing phased resumption of visa services guidance. Visa applicants who were previously refused visas due to the restrictions of Presidential Proclamation 10052 may reapply by submitting a new application including a new fee.
Presidential Proclamations on Novel CoronavirusEntry of foreign nationals who were physically present within the following list of countries within 14 days prior to their entry or attempted entry into the United States is suspended, per Presidential Proclamations 9984, 9992, 10143, and the Proclamation signed on April 30, 2021:
-India (applicable to nonimmigrants only);
-The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, excluding overseas territories outside of Europe;
-The Republic of Ireland;
-The 26 countries that comprise the Schengen Area (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland)
-The Islamic Republic of Iran; and
-The People’s Republic of China, not including the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau.
There are certain exceptions to the suspension of entry, including exceptions for U.S. lawful permanent residents and certain family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, among other exceptions listed in the Proclamations. If you reside in, have traveled recently to, or intend to transit or travel to the above list of countries prior to your planned trip to the United States, we recommend you postpone your visa interview appointment until 14 days subsequent to your departure from the subject country(ries). Additionally, if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, or believe you may have been exposed to the Novel Coronavirus, you are strongly encouraged to postpone your appointment by at least 14 days. Click here for additional information .
Rescission of Presidential Proclamations 9645 and 9983On January 20, 2021, President Biden signed a Presidential Proclamation titled “Ending Discriminatory Bans on Entry to the United States.” This proclamation ends the travel restrictions under Presidential Proclamations 9645 and 9983 that had suspended entry into the United States of certain nationals, based on visa type, from Burma, Eritrea, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Nigeria, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Venezuela, and Yemen. Click here for additional information.
Negative COVID19 Test Required for TravelEffective January 26, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will require all air passengers entering the United States to present a negative COVID-19 test (a viral detection test for SARS-CoV- 2 approved or authorized by the relevant national authority), taken within 72 hours of departure. Airlines must confirm the negative test result for all passengers before boarding. Airlines must deny boarding of passengers if they do not provide documentation of a negative test or recovery. This requirement is separate from the visa application process. All Presidential Proclamations restricting travel due to COVID-19 remain in place, and continue to apply to subject potential travelers regardless of their test results or vaccination status. Travelers holding a National Interest Exception also remain subject to all applicable pre-departure testing requirements.
For more information on waivers to the testing requirement please click here.
Suspension of Entry of Certain Immigrants and Nonimmigrants Who Present a Risk to the U.S. Labor MarketOn December 31, 2020, the President signed a Presidential Proclamation on Suspension of Entry of Immigrants and Nonimmigrants Who Continue to Present a Risk to the United States Labor Market. This proclamation extends Presidential Proclamations (P.P.) 10014 and 10052 through March 31, 2021. P.P. 10014 suspends the entry to the United States of certain immigrant visa applicants, while P.P. 10052 suspends the entry to the United States of certain nonimmigrant visa applicants who present a risk to the U.S. labor market during the economic recovery following the novel coronavirus outbreak. Specifically, the suspension of P.P. 10052 applies to applicants for H-1B, H-2B, and L-1 visas; J-1 visa applicants participating in the intern, trainee, teacher, camp counselor, au pair, or summer work travel programs; and any spouses or children of covered applicants applying for H-4, L-2, or J-2 visas. U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and aliens who are or were inside the United States or those holding valid nonimmigrant or immigrant visas on the effective date are not subject to the Proclamation.
--> Visa Fee Validity ExtensionThe U.S. Mission to Romania understands that many visa applicants have paid the visa application processing fee and are still waiting to schedule a visa appointment. We are working diligently to restore all routine visa operations as quickly and safely as possible. In the meantime, rest assured that the U.S. Mission will extend the validity of your payment (known as the MRV fee) until September 30, 2022, to allow all applicants who were unable to schedule a visa appointment as a result of the suspension of routine consular operations an opportunity to schedule and/or attend a visa appointment with the already paid fee. Please continue to monitor this site for information on when we will return to routine visa operations.
Information regarding Visa Waiver ProgramIf you are a citizen of a Visa Waiver Program partner but unable to travel to the United States under that program, you should apply for a nonimmigrant visa at least three months in advance of your desired travel. If you do not have imminent travel plans, you should pay the nonimmigrant visa application fee, fill out the DS-160 nonimmigrant visa application form at ceac.state.gov/genniv/, and schedule a visa appointment. If your travel is imminent, you may request an expedited visa appointment. Please include in your request the date and purpose of your travel, as well as a copy of any U.S. Customs and Border Protection message you may have received regarding your ESTA status. More information about restrictions to travel under the Visa Waiver Program, including the requirement for an electronic passport, is available here.
Announcement regarding DS-160 formIf you would like to schedule an appointment for a new visa application and if you have already applied for a visa in the past, please fill in a new DS-160 form (DS-160 form can be found here) and update your profile with the new DS-160 confirmation number, before scheduling the appointment.
Где сделать прививку иностранной вакциной
Куда едут получать визу США
Это темы созданные теми, кто плюнул на ожидание собеседования в Москве и поехал получать американскую визу за границу.
Где привиться иностранной вакциной в Италии
Оплата сбора за визу США в Румынии
Для оплаты консульского сбора через Румынию вам нужно написать запрос на нашу почту Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. . ВАЖНО Обращаем внимание, что наша компания не оказывает комплексные услуги по оформлению студенческой визы через Румынию. Мы помогаем только с оплатой консульского сбора в этой стране через Banca Transilavania. Все остальные этапы оформления визы (заполнение анкеты, регистрация личного кабинета, запись на интервью) вам нужно будет пройти самостоятельно. Также хотим заметить, что визы B1/B2 в Румынии пока не оформляются. ВАЖНО Обращаем внимание, что при оформлении визы через Румынию мы взимаем более высокий консульский сбор в рублях (чем при оформлении визы через Россию). Это связано с необходимостью уплаты комиссии за перевод денег в Румынию и последующей конвертацией рублей в румынский лей. Консульский сбор не рассчитывается по курсу ЦБ России.Где сделать прививку иностранной вакциной во Франции
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